interim presentation
Solo-Exhibition with a
project >>
developed in collaboration with
Günter Seyfried >>
Kunstraum SUPER >>

"probe_particle_encounter_," an artistic collaboration by Kristin Weissenberger and Günter Seyfried, began in the summer of 2022 as part of the Ars Bioarctica Residency at the Kilpisjärvi Research Station in the northwest of Finland.
This process-oriented research project aims to "deploy" objects considered as "probes" over many years at various locations in Europe and in the subarctic region around Kilpisjärvi. These objects are intended to provide habitat and architecture for lichens, mosses, fungi, and insects, while simultaneously collecting and documenting information about various environmental influences.
The objects, which continuously evolve through the artists' experiences in their design, consist of a series of ceramics that can be used individually or combined into larger installations. Various surfaces are generated using
digital production techniques such as 3D scanning/3D printing and analog imprints with orthopedic foam. Details from branches, cones, or rock fragments serve as the basis for design and are juxtaposed with digital and industrial
aesthetics. This aesthetic fusion and biomimicry create barbs, nests, indentations, and hiding places that invite further interaction. Additionally, a QR-code is attached to all objects, enabling finders to contact the artists.
These "Probes" enter into diverse relationships with humans, animals, and tides as independent actors. They will be part of different environments over the years, as the project is designed as a long-term experiment. After 5-7
years, the objects will be revisited and collected using geolocation to review, edit, and artistically represent the results and what they have "captured." Can the procedural change or dissolution of the objects reflect and compare conditions in different environments?
The exhibition at Kunstraum Super serves as an interim presentation, dedicated to introducing the project and discussing the experiences collected thus far.
The project is realized with funds from: